
Welcome to my recipe blog! Please feel free to add comments. Most of these recipes are ones I have collected over the years and modified to suit my family. I have not knowingly infringed on any copyrights. All comments are appreciated!

Remember that we eat everything SPICY! If you don't, watch out for the red pepper, Tabasco and Ro-Tel tomatoes. Also, I won't apologize for the butter and/or bacon fat or anything else considered "unhealthy".

If you're gonna cook with me, be sure you have the "Cajun Trinity" on hand ... onion, bell pepper & celery. Laissez les bon temps rouler !!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Trial Run!

I'm going to try blogging!  People are always asking for recipes, so we'll give it a whirl.

Any requests to start with?  Feel free to post YOUR recipes too!

Aunt Dianne


  1. I love being the first post to Aunt Dianne's blog. Although maybe it should have been named My Precious Dianne's Kitchen as my girls called you. I know that I'm going to see some keepers on this blog!

  2. Judi Johnston BenoitAugust 12, 2010 at 8:26 PM

    I cannot wait for this one to get going...stuffed peppers, banana cake, famous dip, fried green tomatoes, and we want pictures also.

  3. Ledet/Johnston/Benoit Gang!August 12, 2010 at 8:29 PM

    What a great cook and hostess!

    This is going to be wonderful.

    Johnston/Ledet/Benoit Gang
